Collection Tudor Embroidery Item Queen Elizabeth I Images image_2024-07-04_164740368 image_2024-07-04_164821555 image_2024-07-04_164740368 image_2024-07-04_164821555 Basic Information Date1585 | 1590Object TypePortraitEmbroidered ItemSleevesAssociated GenderFemaleColorMonochromatic > BlackEmbellishmentNoneVisual SpacingDenseMotifsPlants > Flowers | Plants > LeavesShapesMore NaturalLevel of DetailHighly StylizedShadingDiaperingMuseum LinkNational Portrait Gallery Additional Information ArtistUnknownLast Updated2024 Unknown woman, formerly known as Mary, Queen of Scots (Partlet) Queen Mary I (Mary Tudor) Back to items list